2013 Race Schedule!!

I am working my way back to the land of the athletic :D I'm feeling stronger every day and I am so excited to be PLANNING A RACE SCHEDULE!! I am even MORE excited to be racing so many Revolution 3 races! It gives me a chance to see my husband! HaHa Without further ado:

2013 Race Schedule

March 2 - Chattahoochee Road Runner 10k
May 5th - Rev3 Knoxville - Oly
June 1 - Rev3 Quassy - Oly
June 23 - Rev3 Williamsburg - Oly
October 13 - Rev3 Anderson - Half

I really wanted to do another Tri the Parks Race before we leave Atlanta, but none of the races fit our schedule before the big move. If you live in Atlanta and are looking for a great local race, check out these races!!

So who will I see racing with me at these great events??


  1. I'll be at quassy! I'm hoping to make an appearance in W'burg too.

    1. Yay!! Quassy is going to be awesome (as usual) :D

  2. Glad to hear you're on the mend enough to make a race schedule...an agressive one no less.

    Not sure which Rev3's I'll be racing and spectating but I hope to see you and your cute boys out there!

  3. Thanks Alisa!! I found that I needed to set a schedule to get myself motivated to get through this last bit of PT. The idea of doing a half at the end of the season is scaring the CARP (haha) out of me!! Hopefully it will be the kick in the pants I need to finish the process and continue to "train smart" :D


tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

tribirdie's No sugar No grain photosettribirdie's No sugar No grain photoset


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
