Will Run/Ride for Cappuccino!

I tweeted a few days ago that I need a t-shirt that states "will run and ride for First Endurance Cappuccino Ultragen". and it's not an exaggeration!

Sometimes all I can think of over the last few miles is the sweet icy goodness of First Endurance Cappuccino Ultragen waiting for me to mix up once I get to the car!

1.5 scoops Ultragen
12 oz ice water (it's been sitting in a cooler)
ice cubes (same cooler)

From Racing and Training 2010
The best part is, I really do think it helps me to recover.

I'm going to be 36 on Friday, so recovery is very, very important to me. Also add in the fact that once my long rides/runs are complete, it's home to the family and two boys under 5 don't care if you just rode your bike for 6 hours, they want to PLAY!! I need to be ready to be there for them as soon as possible.

So how does a 36 year old, mom of two recover from a long day of ironman training?

1) Ultragen immediately after
3) Ice bath after long runs
4) Compression tights and/or socks (and I really mean and/or, I've worn socks and tights together before ha ha - the socks get my feet)

Recovery is a triathletemommy's best friend!

Here is a little pic of me packed in ice after my first 20 miler. My legs were tired the rest of the day, but not sore. Next day, everything was fine!
From Racing and Training 2010


  1. umm, have you tried mixing Ultragen with milk? It's evil good. like super bad, evil goodness. If you ever get those shirts made...I need one too.


tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

tribirdie's No sugar No grain photosettribirdie's No sugar No grain photoset


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
