Tour de France Time

You know you're a parent when... you no longer tape TdF coverage because Thomas and Friends, Backyardigans and Curious George recordings are taking up too much space on your Tivo!

Admittedly, we aren't following it to the degree we have in past years (I watched so much TdF coverage while pregnant with Jason, that I used to be able to calm him down as a baby by playing any cycling coverage with Phil Liggett and Paul Sherwen commentating.) but it's still exciting. As a long time fan of Johnathan Vaughters I'm excited to see the Garmin-Chipotle (was Slipstream-Chipotle) team out there. My team jersey doesn't fit anymore, but I'm still cheering for them!

It just wont zip over the belly! argh! :-D


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tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

tribirdie's No sugar No grain photosettribirdie's No sugar No grain photoset


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
