Gulf Coast 08 (Friday) - Yellow Flags are Out!

Hey all! Here we are in Panama City Beach, FL getting ready for another Gulf Coast. The vibe is very different this year... #1, I'm not racing so I'm a bit more relaxed... #2, I'm not racing so I'm jealous as hell of all the folks who are! :-D Of course, being pregnant makes it easier to miss the race than if I were injured. We are down here this year to help with the all3sports tents and to cheer on our friends.

We are headed out to get some food and get the All3Sports tents set up, but I wanted to share some early morning photos from this morning of the water. It's looking a little choppy out there! Here is hoping the wind dies down a little before tomorrow!

Update to post: 12:00 noon - word on the street is that water is choppy the entire way out, but less jelly fish than last year!

Link to the Rest of the Photos


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tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

tribirdie's No sugar No grain photosettribirdie's No sugar No grain photoset


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
