Special People

I realized the other day that I am very lucky, very lucky in that I am surrounded by talented friends.  Folks that are amazing photographers, writers, painters, business folks, therapists, community services savants, athletes, etc...  the list goes on, I promise.

It's pretty freakin' awesome!

But today I want to write about two folks that are very special to me.  They inspire, they have drive and commitment and talent.

Some folks might say they need to be committed but I don't think so, I just think they are very special people, attempting things most people wouldn't even try...

Enter crazy #1 - Dani

You may remember her as the awesome support crew for my friend Jason's 100 miler (Best 13 mile run ever!)  Well now it is Jason's turn to crew for her.

This sunday Dani is racing across the STATE OF FLORIDA!! She is attempting to break the record of fastest solo ride across the state...

How far will she be riding? roughly 420 miles

How long will she be riding? hopefully less than 27 hours and 58 minutes (the current record)

Her attempt is this SUNDAY, so before she leaves on Saturday it would be so super awesome if folks could head on over to her blog and tell her that she is so incredibly ready (BECAUSE SHE IS!!) and that she's going to kick some serious ass :D

at the very least, think of her on Sunday and send her some positive vibes and any extra energy you can spare!!!

GOOD LUCK DANI!!!  Love you and I know you are going to be amazing!!!

SO, who is CRAZY #2??

Her sidekick/partner in crime/support crew etc...  Jason

Yep, that guy from the best 13 mile run ever! The original inspiration for the quote

"No quit in this body. No quit in this mind!"

Jason will be doing EPICMAN on December 29... well, it STARTS on December 29... and finishes on the 31st... cutoff is 60 hours...  what is EpicMan????

a TRIPLE Ironman... in Maui!

Yep, that's a 7.2 mile swim, a 336 mile bike and a 78.6 mile run for a total of 421.8 miles.

For more info, check out his original explanation.

as part of the lead up to the race, Jason is raising money for Humble Heroes in a very unique way, check it out over on his blog and I DARE you to not want to get in on the action!

and come December 29th send him your vibes and positive energy!!

Both of these guys have been training like crazy and they are already amazing rockstar athletes just for the INSANE amount of training they've been putting in...  can't wait to see them both put it all on the line this december!!

Way to go Jason and Dani!!!


  1. Wow! Amazing people... thanks for letting us know what they are doing. Heading to their blogs now...

  2. WOW that is freaking awesome!! THANK you so much for sharing. I am heading over to stalk them now. :)

  3. Unbelievable folks. I've heard of the race across FL...but thought it was an urban legend....


tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

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"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
