My Favorite Race of the Year - Meadow Mile 2011

My oldest son started at High Meadows for Preschool.  As soon as he was old enough, we started running the meadow mile each year.  It is a mile fun run that they hold on the morning of Fall Festival.  The emphasis on spending time in the outdoors is one of my favorite things about High Meadows, and the Meadow Mile is an extension of that. 

The first time we ran, I'm fairly certain I piggy back carried him for part of it...

There was last year when he held my hand for the entire race (but he didn't walk any of it!!)...

Then there was this year... no more hand holding (except at the start, whew!) and he ran the entire course... but this year the memory that will stand out is the look of determination he had on his face! It was so cool to see him set his mind to something and accomplish it.

And a day in which your kid says "I'm really proud of myself" is a wonderful day.

He fought hard and finished strong!

and I tried really hard not to be "that mom" as I encouraged him around the course.  I was pretty vocal though :D

Congratulations to my big boy! 1 mile in 10:27 and he earned a medal placing 3rd in his AG.

post run celebration dance?

isn't this what we all run for? :D

"Mom, I'm really proud of myself"

Proud of his big brother

the vanity shot

We won the cake walk at the festival!!

Playing in the teepee at Fall Festival


  1. how friggin great is he?! awesome!! you must be one proud mama!

  2. That is so awesome! I'm trying to get my boys to do some more kids races but they are just not that enthusiastic. However, my little 3 yr old girl loves running me especially during their school running club.

  3. The kiddies are adorable. Love the pics—thanks for sharing!

  4. Awww thanks everyone!!! I'm one lucky momma!!

  5. That's a great job kid. I was also thinking to let my cousins play the same sport too. :D

  6. Great, just great. At this rate, I figure both of your sons and my children should be completely kicking my butt in a year or two.

    Is there anyway you could slow them down with, say Pop Tarts and Twizzlers?


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"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
