
"You've got to believe you can be a stand-up before you can be a stand-up, you've got to believe you can act before you can act, you've got to believe you can be an astronaut before you can be an astronaut, but you've GOT to BELIEVE." - Eddie Izzard; Comedian and Ultra Marathoner for charity

This past triathlon season, I've seen a lot of amazing athletic feats. I'm not talking about the sub 8:30 by Chrissie at Roth (she finished in 8:19) or the record braking 2:53 marathon by Rinny in Kona. While these (and other highly publicized) performances are amazing; I'm thinking of the folks I train with and race with regularly.

I've seen someone who'd never run an ultra marathon before this year run a 50k one weekend and complete a 50 miler the next.
A man complete his first 140.6 at IMFL and 6 DAYS later PR at the 70.3 distance at 70.3 world championships.
A cancer survivor and single mom complete IM Louisville less than a year after completing chemotherapy
I've seen a couple complete their first 140.6 distance races together - and stay happily married :D (and sign up for another!!)
Another man complete his first 140.6 at IMFL under sever personal stress AND multiple flats on the bike.
Lots of folks reach PRs they never thought possible through hard work and determination
I've seen someone pass out at mile 20 of the marathon of their 140.6 (not their first) and convince the medical staff they could finish and then cross the finish line less than an hour later.
and there are tons of other stories (and that is just this past season!!)

a couple of things reoccur in each of these stories

Belief and Perseverance

and what I've come to realize is that they must go hand in hand... You have to believe you can do it; but belief is not enough. You have to put the work in. You need to get up and train when other folks don't. You have to find a way when other folks find excuses. You have to say "I can!" when other folks say "I quit".

and then also, training well (not just hard, but smart) isn't enough. In the end, if you show up on race day and you don't BELIEVE,

believe in yourself, your ability, your desire, your goals

if you don't believe, it's going to be a tough day. (and that's when your perseverance kicks in I suppose).

So believe in yourselves people!! You CAN do it! and take that belief and fuel your workouts and PERSEVERE.

Mama Can You See Me Now!

What do YOU think goes in to inspiring performances?



  1. I love this! BELIEVE is my mantra... believe in all things!!! Yourself, your kids, your husband, your goals, your dreams, their dreams, your friends and friendships, your COACH!!! All of it!!! Believe you can get through this race, workout, obstacle. Believe that you can be successful and complete it all with grace and humility!!!! :D BELIEVE!

  2. I believe these folks all have one thing in common. I'm smiling inside. :)


tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

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"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
