Lake Lanier Islands Sprint Tri - Race Report

Ahh, the end of the season. There is something about the last race of the season...

One of the best parts of this race was seeing Kate rock it, she's been working her butt off (literally and figuratively) this season but had run into bad luck in some of her mid season races; she put it all together this day! Go Kate!

Another cool part was seeing a friend from High School, whom I hadn't seen in years complete her first triathlon, one of the best parts of the sport! Congratulations Shannon!!

My race was fine... Sprints are not my favorite distance... I just don't sprint very well... I don't go very fast but I can usually go far; as evidenced by the fact that my avg mph for a half ironman bike split is typically the same as my sprint bike split. But hey, the good part is that they are over quickly! I had a pretty awful swim and T1 took forever with my wetsuit not coming off and a long run up the huge hill.

The bike was fine, rolling hills and I felt good, the last two miles are mostly up hill, but it is okay because they were down hill on the way out. In fact the bike course was a lot of fun and I was excited to take one turn at 25 mph. As usual it took me a bit to get into the bike and I didn't start feeling the flow until about mile 6.

I cruised in to T2 for my favorite part of this particular race, Alex and Yvonne were there in transition yelling funny things to me... had me laughing as a started the run. My scare in the water now forgotten I went out there to enjoy the run, knowing that I was well behind my goal time (thanks to bad swim and long T1) but working hard to have a good run.

Run was hilly (Kate told me it was flat and I was just thinking...Kate thinks this is flat??!? no wonder she is such a strong runner! It turns out it was a different run course than Iron Girls, Kate thought it was the same course). Mile 1 seemed to take forever to get to but after that the race just flew by. I wanted to avg 7:30 miles and I hit that goal with 7:22 avg and according to my watch the last mile was 7:17! I was really happy with that.

All in all a decent end to the year, bike avg 21.0 mph which was another goal for the year. I'm ready now to keep building through the winter and try to be even stronger next year!

Me and Kate after the race - From Racing 2009

Results are here:
Jill Poon                  35
Swim: 9:02
T1: 2:28
Bike: 37:05 21.0mph
T2: 1:14
Run: 22:50 7:22 min/mile
Total: 1:12:37
Once again big thanks to Alex for being so supportive, my kids for being awesome, all my friends and family for the support and my coach Laura Sophiea, for getting me back in shape after having AJ!

Me and my Boys - From Racing 2009

Good luck to Laura this weekend, she is Kona ready to battle it out at World Championships!!!


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
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No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

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"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
