At Northside!

My water broke at 5:30 am, but so far no serious contractions. We are here at Northside trying to convince them to let me off the monitors so that we can get some contractions to start. So far everyone is great. Alex even had a chance to get it Venti Quad Vanilla Soy Latte on the way to the hospital :-D

2.5 hours post water break, trying to get some contractions started

Big thanks to neighbor Beth for coming over to watch Jason while we are at the hospital. And thanks to my mom for getting another last minute flight from Pittsburgh to Atlanta and Uncle Ray for picking up mom.

Jason, your big wait for a little brother will hopefully over soon!


  1. You're killing me..I love the photo from Northside....But where's the Live feed?
    I am soo glad everything went well.Love you guys!!!


  2. congrats, guys! can't wait to see some pics! hope you all are doing well.


tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

tribirdie's No sugar No grain photosettribirdie's No sugar No grain photoset


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
