Project ReUseIt - Challenge

So excited my awesome Rev3 Triathlon teammate Laura has joined the challenge!!

Laura, awesome teammate and inspiration!!
Check out her post about it here (as usual she was much more compelling about it than me! haha)

So far things have been going well; except that my husband delights in pointing out all the things he can technically buy USED but are completely not in our budget (race cars, hunting rifles, bikes, etc.)  I've had to point out that he doesn't get to just buy anything he wants as long as it is "previously owned", it still needs to be in the budget. haha

My biggest challenge to date has been finding my 7 yo swim flippers that he needs for swim team.  Before the start of ReUseIt I had purchased him new swim flippers, but they are too big for him and fall off in the pool

Poor kid, I made him dive 7 ft down in the pool to retrieve them because we happened to be trying them out at the pool on a day when I didn't have my bathing suit :D He did it though!!

So if anyone has a pair of size 12-13 swim flips, and you need a size 1-3 pair, I'll trade ya!!

I did have to buy something new that I was trying to avoid and that was DIAPERS.  My 3 yo is potty trained, but still wears a diaper overnight, so I moved him to cloth diapers and everything is great!  Unfortunately, the pool that we swim at requires a suit AND swim diaper for any child under the age of 4.   In the interest of time, I purchased a rubber swim diaper from the store at the gym.  Strike one!

So to follow in Laura's footsteps... who want to join us?!?!

Also, Laura challeged a wager, and since I already have one strike, I say we keep a running tally on anything we have to buy new (agreed run shoes, bike tires, etc. are freebies) and then see who wins at the end!

If Laura wins donate $25 to Rev3Tri Run Across America.  If I win, PLEASE donate to Rev3Tri Run Across America!!

What? You haven't heard about Rev3Tri Run Across America?!?!  Well, my super awesome team and the fine Staff of Revolution 3 Triathlon are RUNNING ACROSS AMERICA, to raise money for Ulman Cancer Fund.

They are taking 21 days to run 2,300+ miles.  It's going to be excited and there are going to be lots of challenges along the way... i.e. can YOU find a group of people to run a cumulative total of MORE miles during the same 21 day period?!?!?

I'll have more details about the challenges and such here, but go check out the Rev3 Page for all the DETAILS!!!


  1. awesome!! And if you think you might need an extra diaper you can go to diaper swappers and get them used... God it's been a long time since I thought of that! ;)

    Go there BEFORE you NEED one like NOW! It's all partly about anticipating your needs so you have time. :)

    AND when he grows out of that swim diaper you can sell it on diaper swappers or trade for a bigger one. :)

    I loved clothe diapers.


tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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Tribirdie Goes No Sugar No Grain

I started eating following the rules
No Sugar
No Grain

I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

tribirdie's No sugar No grain photosettribirdie's No sugar No grain photoset


"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
