IM Louisville 2011 Finish Celebration and Thank yous!

I mentioned at the end of my race report that you can't do IM alone. It is so true, you draw support from almost everyone you know.

To view the MIDNIGHT finish line CELEBRATION video, scroll to the bottom of this post.

My race report was in three parts:
Pre Race and Swim
T1 and Bike
T2 and Run (and FINISH!)

First and foremost - my family, my husband Alex was the first person to encourage me to sign up for IM Louisville after I finished Cedar Point FullRev last year.  He always believed in me, even when I didn't believe in me.  He also was a rockstar on race day, taking care of the boys and updating twitter and FB with my status.  It's a LONG day and he was amazing.  My kids, they (for the most part) willingly spent HOURS at the Lifetime Fitness child center so that I could get workouts in over the summer (normally I try to get the bulk in while they are at school, but summer vacation gets tricky).  They are great because they LOVE coming to races and cheering and the really love the medals I bring home for them :D  My mom and dad, because they were supportive even though they think I'm crazy :D  My brother and his family for always encouraging me and taking the time to send pre race good luck messages!!

My coach, Laura Sophiea, I never would be where I am without her guidance and support.  She was the second person to encourage me to sign up for IM Lou.  She always seems to know just what I need to hear to get me ready for a race.  She also seems to know the best workouts to get the most out of my potential.  Laura and I had the opportunity to ride and run together a lot more this year than in the past (Her Gaps tri camp was a HUGE turning point in my season) and it was such a blessing to have had that time to soak in some of her experience and wisdom.

Maria Thrash, who helped me all winter long to improve my swim stroke (I swam 3 min faster than I expected at IMLou). But more than that, she was a huge source of support, she is the best at pushing you farther than you think you can go. Thanks Maria!!!

My teammates - I love the entire Team Trakkers team (we will be Team Rev3Tri next year, but more on that later).  Whether it was on Twitter, Facebook, via Email or Texts these guys were always there when I needed them.  Sometimes for support, sometimes a laugh and sometimes a good kick in the pants! :D  And our sponsors are amazing!! Thank you Kestrel, TYR, First Endurance, SBRSports (TriSwim/TriGlide), Canari, Recovery Pump, and Avia.

The entire staff at all3sports - these guys are the absolute best, always there to answer any of my questions, help me make decisions and keeping my bike in awesome shape!  Big thanks to Gary Lucero, I love riding my Kestrel and thanks to Gary is fits perfectly!!

My Atlanta area Tri Friends - We are so lucky to have such a great group of folks involved in triathlon in Atlanta.  So many inspiring stories and people.  People of good heart and character, it's a great group to be involved with.

As he's known in the Twitter world, Clyde Watts, for always being supportive (and coming up with my own hashtag :D - it's #poonstar) and always being good for a kick in the pants when I needed it.  Mr. IronMikeTri got involved in that too :D

Thanks to Matthew Rose of Dynamo Multisport, for lots of great advice and including me in the Dynamo Louisville and GA Gaps training camps.  They were integral!!

Thanks to Steve Thomas for all the great advice during the long rides!!

Thanks to Kati Derrick, Andree Miceli and Kristin Deaton for being my "rocks", I am so glad I got to know you guys this year, it made a huge difference in my life! Thank you for your friendship!

Thanks to Kacie and George Darden for all the virtual cheering AND cheers in the GAPS when I was really suffering in the heart of my training.  You guys helped me remember the big picture :D

Kelly Street, thank you for being one of the people my kids love most in the world and coming over at crazy early morning hours when I had long rides and Alex was out of town.

A really really big thanks to Jason Overbaugh and Dani Grabol for inspiring me to never give up and always strive to be my best!!

Thanks to "PLAY" activity center in Roswell, GA for being a place that my kids love to hang out when the gym isn't an option.

I never would have made it to the start line of IMLou physically ready to have a great race if it hadn't been for the constant and wonderful care of my Massage Therapist Rick at Synergy Release Sports and my awesome Chiropractor Dr. Pam Stone of Stone Family Chiropractic.  Both of them not only helped my physically, but also listened to a lot of bitching from me, thanks for listening guys!!

Last but certainly not least, all of the folks on Twitter and Facebook that sent me your virtual support and cheers.  I have been overwhelmed by the amount of support I received from people!!

So obviously is takes a lot of people to get someone to the finish line of an Ironman. Thank you to everyone!!

One of my "bucket list" items has always been to be at the midnight finish line celebration of an 140.6 race.  I missed it last year at Cedar Point because I was back on mom duty as Alex was working.  This time Alex was able to stay with the boys (i.e. get some well deserved sleep) and I met Andree and her husband Chris out at the finish line at 4th Street Live! for some yummy TGI Fridays shakes and fries and to cheer in the late night finishers.

Here is the video of our experience!!  I hope I've been able to capture the emotion of the moments.

Ironman Louisville 2011 Midnight Celebration from tribirdie on Vimeo.


  1. Thank YOU for being such an inspiration and positive person in our lives! LOVED the video, wish you sang to Right Said Fred! :-)

  2. The video gave me goose bumps! Thanks for being a motivation for us. A wife and mother of two with such a huge amount of dedication is a huge inspiration for so many people. You rock #poonstar!!

  3. AWESOME!!! That was so much fun to watch. Still so proud of you Jill.

  4. You are awesome Jill just to write a separate race report like this one, and to recognize that so many people help out in races like this. And you are welcome too, you really didn't complain much.

    I'm gonna look into Play of Roswell....sounds like a place I need for some of my long runs! Great job again. :-)


tribirdie goes No Sugar No Grain


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I am posting what eat each day on tumblr. I'm sure I'll make some mistake along the way, feel free to heckle!

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"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
- Steve Prefontaine
"Shut Up Legs"
- Jens Voigt
"No quit in this body. No quit in this Mind"
- Jill Poon (inspired by Jason Overbaugh)
